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Preston University Plans to Launch Four Faculties & Eight Departments

Preston University

The academic council of Preston University (PU) Karachi formally decided to launch four faculties and eight departments to provide higher education to students in different disciplines.

After the reform of November 2023, the new management convened the first academic council meeting under the chair of the Chancellor of the University, Naveed Yusuf.  The Pro-Chancellor, Mohammad Miraj Sahib, Chief Executive Director Syed Riaz Ahmed Sahib, industrial experts along with the internal and external faculty members participated in the academic council.

The participants approved the introduction of four faculties at its campus, including (1) the Faculty of Biological Sciences (2) the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (3) the Faculty of Management Sciences, and (4) the Faculty of Engineering and Technology based on eight departments. Four-year BS and two-year ADP programs and MS/M. Phil programs were
also approved. Slogan, Mission, and Vision statements were approved after some modifications.

The minutes of the academic council were forwarded to BoG. At the end of the meeting, Chief Executive Director Syed Riaz Ahmed appreciated the tireless efforts of the team by saying, ‘I believe that your team will make Preston University an ideal educational institution’.

The pro-Chancellor of Preston University, Muhammad Miraj Sahib, thanked the members of the academic council. He said that it is a matter of pride that we have the profession of prophets. He further said today’s time and gathering reflects the Quaid-e-Azam’s vision for the development of Pakistan. In the end, he prayed for Allah Almighty’s assistance and guidance to deal with the matters honestly.

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