Educational Assessment

AKU-EB’s Role in Developing Global Standards in Educational Assessment Recognised

The Aga Khan University Examination Board (AKU-EB) proudly announces its significant contribution to the development of the International Standards for Educational Assessment, recently launched by the International Association for Education Assessment (IAEA) in May 2024. These globally accepted standards set benchmarks for best practices in examinations and assessments worldwide. Aligned with IAEA’s vision, these standards…

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Youth Council for Sustainable Action

Launch of the ‘Youth Council for Sustainable Action’ and BOLO Health – a digital health marketplace for youth

USAID’s flagship private sector health project, Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Engage, has launched the Youth Council for Sustainable Action in Sindh. The youth council aims to amplify youth voices and promote sustainable health practices, particularly in family planning services across Pakistan. FHM Engage is a global cooperative agreement that provides technical assistance to support local…

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Spotify features Tharparkar artist Mai Dhai on Times Square as the EQUAL PK ambassador for June 2024

Following the features of Pakistani music legends like Nadia Hassan as ambassadors of EQUAL Pakistan, Spotify has announced another legendary woman artist, Mai Dhai, a distinguished regional classical singer, as the EQUAL Pakistan ambassador of the month for June. Hailing from Tharparkar, Sindh, Mai Dhai has earned the distinction of not just being the first regional artist to be selected…

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Pakistani Journalist

Pakistani Journalist Kamal Siddiqi Honored with Prestigious Journalists Courage and Impact Award at East-West Media Conference

Pakistani journalist Kamal Siddiqi @Tribunian received the prestigious Journalists Courage and Impact Award today at the East-West Media Conference in Manila, Philippines. He was among seven recipients honored for their dedication to journalism and press freedom, often in difficult circumstances. Siddiqi’s insightful writing and commitment to truth have educated and inspired countless readers, setting high…

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Foreign tourists visited Northern Bypass Cattle Market

A tourist family from Poland visited the Northern Bypass Cattle Market and expressed their surprise and happiness to see the presence of large number of sacrificial animals. Tourists named Tukanie and Matkania accompanied their children.  Visited the cattle market. The tourist family had never seen such a large number of cattle together. The tourist family…

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